During the summer many people want to take advantage of their time doing some activity that allows them to grow professionally. What can be better than studying abroad for the summer? In fact, with this option you can make the most of the summer season in cities famous for providing top-quality educational courses and training.

Nowadays, the world is globalized, having an additional language to the mother tongue as well as knowledge or experiences that are acquired internationally can be a determining factor for obtaining a job, especially if the applicants are applying for employment in a multinational or in a company with international expansion plans.

Studying abroad is an alternative that allows you to share with other people, get to know fascinating cultures, tour emblematic cities, enjoy its gastronomy… In short, it is a unique experience. Therefore, today we will talk about the 10 top cities that you should have on your list of options if you are thinking of studying abroad .


This city is characterized by being multicultural, in its streets, universities and academies you can meet people who come from different parts of the world. Toronto is a city that is growing at a rapid pace and part of this is thanks to the migrants who have strengthened its economy.

The University of Toronto is an icon of Canada , numerous Nobel Prize winners have been trained in its facilities and the Shanghai ranking places it among the best in the world. But that’s not all, in this city there are also renowned universities such as the University of York, Tyndale University, the University of Guelph-Humber, among others.

In Toronto there is a wide variety of public and private options, all with great prestige and worldwide recognition, for this reason, it would be a great added value to anyone’s resume. Toronto is even famous for its career programs , which are training programs for professionals who want to specialize in an activity related to their profession or another associated area.

When it comes to safety, this place is arguably one of the safest in North America . Students can safely navigate the streets of this city, even have fun at any cafe, bar and nightclub at night.

The official language of this city is English, however, courses in French, Arabic and other oriental languages ​​are also taught in this city. During the summer season the weather usually has an average temperature of 25 ºC , only the months of December, January and February have extreme temperatures that can reach below zero.

Toronto has everything to be a great study abroad option , it is a country with a stable economy, high quality study centers and a charming culture.

Students in Toronto


People who want an exotic destination, with a lot of history, picturesque streets and a Mediterranean climate, will have as a great option the city of Sliema, in Malta. This city has the best academies to learn English , many of them prepare their students to take the TOEFL, Cambridge, IELTS exams… which are required in the best universities in the world to admit foreign students.

If you want to pursue higher studies in Malta, near Sliema is the University of Malta , a place that offers courses related to Medicine, Social Welfare, Arts, Economics, Law, Education, Technology, Social Communication and much more. In addition, it has more than a dozen master’s degrees and postgraduate studies.

Another excellent university near Sliema is the American University of Malta, there students can choose 9 undergraduate courses, where Law and Economics stand out, the professionals graduated from this institution are highly valued in the world .

Previously, Sliema was a peaceful fishing village , but today it is a place where tourists, young students and entrepreneurs meet, for this reason, it has become a fascinating social, cultural and entertainment center.

The laws of Malta are a bit flexible with students who want to work to finance their studies on the island. The population of this island is 16,000 inhabitants, many of these inhabitants are foreigners who have decided to make their retirement in this charming place , this means that the job offers in cafes, bars and restaurants are wide.

People who study in Sliema could never get bored, there they can visit paradisiacal beaches, museums, theaters, art galleries … this city is very bohemian, you will find art anywhere. Even near Sliema, you can find archaeological ruins, architectural works in perfect condition with thousands of years of history. This place is magical and represents an exotic destination to study during the summer.

study abroad sliema


This city has become one of the most visited in Europe by students, thousands of people decide to travel to Dublin motivated by the affordable prices of their English courses as well as the possibility of being able to study and work in this Irish city .

In Dublin, the capital of Ireland, the official language is English. In other words, English students will receive training in any of the numerous academies that exist in Dublin and then while they walk the streets of this mythical European city they could continue practicing what they have learned.

The quality of life in Dublin is one of the highest in Europe , the purchasing power of the inhabitants is high, the economy remains stable, the political landscape is calm and more and more multinational companies want to establish their headquarters there to Europe. Large companies such as Google, AirBnb, Facebook and Microsoft have offices in Dublin, being a factor that has generated thousands of job vacancies.

Today, the demand for professionals and workers in the Irish capital is high , however, to be hired it is necessary to pass a series of requirements, including speaking English. Consequently, the type of study most sought after by students is English courses in Dublin.

But not everything can be study and work, Dublin has a magnificent nightlife . All of its restaurants and bars keep their doors open practically 24/7. If you want to opt for a weekend getaway, outside the city you will find magical landscapes that seem to come out of a fairy tale. Hiking in Stepaside, on the outskirts of Dublin, is a highly recommended activity for young students.

Adding academic training obtained in Dublin on your CV could open the doors to numerous jobs. All the big companies in the world are setting their sights on this Irish city for its work culture, political stability and economy. Similarly, professionals with studies in Ireland will be eye-catching profiles for these multinational companies.


Oxford is a city with more than 8 centuries of university history , in that city there was already a teaching institute in the twelfth century, which later became what we know today as the University of Oxford. Today, the city of Oxford is home to more than 30 universities, many of them listed as the best in the world ranking.

The quality of the studies offered in this city is legendary, even the University of Cambridge was founded in the twelfth century with professors from the city of Oxford who were forced to migrate to the county of Cambridgeshire. The history of Oxford as a university city is very interesting, students who wish to study can walk each of its streets, chat with the locals and discover this captivating culture associated with university campuses.

In summer, the universities of Oxford present academic offers to welcome foreign students , these institutions offer from specialization courses to postgraduate studies. In this city, there are also numerous English academies and during the summer season they offer teaching programs aimed at foreigners.

Living in Oxford during the summer is a fabulous experience , its streets are quiet, its buildings are elegant and old, its parks are dressed up… everything combines to provide a majestic image. The most comfortable way to get around the city is by bicycle, there are special routes for cyclists and most of its streets have little car traffic.

In Oxford you can visit parks and walk through the city’s botanic garden . Students getting to grips with their bikes can also take rides to places of interest such as The Cotswolds, a village of medieval-style houses 30 minutes from Oxford.

Oxford with students on the lawn


Cape Town is another exotic destination for students who want to improve their English. There wild nature is combined with a city that is growing rapidly. This city is one of the favorites for adventurous students who wish to have weekend getaways to the exuberant landscapes of the Kruger Park, where big cats, giraffes, rhinoceroses, elephants, among others, live.

The universities of Cape Town are recognized in the world for their high quality. In these institutions, the summer courses are diverse and provide the opportunity to specialize in many areas through educational programs for foreigners .

The University of Cape Town is among the top 200 universities in the world , according to the Times Higher Education ranking. This institution and a dozen other universities offer master’s degrees and other studies that can be started in person during the summer and completed online when the student returns to their country of origin.

The widest range of studies for foreigners are the English courses, these have affordable prices and bilingual teachers who will guide the student for a better learning. Everything learned in the classes can continue to be practiced in every corner of Cape Town, since the official language of the country is English.

When students are not in class, they can occupy their time with activities such as excursions to natural parks , shopping in malls, visits to museums and theaters… they can even play popular South African sports such as cricket, football or rugby.

It is very important to know that health services in South Africa are among the best in the world, but they are also among the most expensive in the world. In this sense, it is advisable to have a comprehensive travel insurance policy  that in case of emergency can cover medical expenses, including evacuation plans or transfer to Spain. You can consult all the recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation to travel to South Africa with peace of mind.


This city has been chosen several times by Global Finance in its analysis of the best places to live . This is due to its economic stability, level of medical care, public services, citizen security and, above all, its level of education.

This city is not as crowded as Sydney , but it is home to a robust infrastructure, technological developments and environmental programs. All these characteristics have attracted brilliant people from all over the world, in Melbourne there is an amazing multiculturalism.

Choosing Melbourne as a destination to study in the summer is a wise option for those who are looking for a safe place, a wide range of study options and numerous ways to entertain themselves in their free time.

Monash University is one of the most outstanding universities in Melbourne, it is located within the ranking of the 8 best in Australia and, in addition, it also has campuses in Malaysia and South Africa. This university is public and its scholarship plans are among the most popular in Australia , each year tens of thousands of students participate as applicants for its scholarship programs.

Study English in Melbourne

In Melbourne English courses are very popular , a high percentage of foreign students who wish to study at the city’s universities usually opt for an English summer course. In this way, they can improve their diction and writing before starting an undergraduate or postgraduate study. The English courses follow the ELICOS format (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students), this being a high quality standard that is regulated by specialized bodies of the Commonwealth member countries.

Traveling to Australia is a magnificent experience , its fauna and landscapes are unique. Summer study students can escape during their free time to Melbourne landmarks like the Botanical Garden or trendy Fitzroy and Chapel Street neighbourhoods.

Australia is one of the countries that has best adapted to the pandemic and has controlled any source of spread. However, it still has a number of requirements to travel to Australia that must be considered while planning to study in Melbourne.

students in melbourne


This city on the west coast of the United States has been one of the most important financial centers in North America for decades . From this romantic city, where plastic arts and music can be enjoyed in every corner, great professionals in Medicine, Law and Economics have emerged, many of them graduated from Stanford University, 50 km south of the city, or at the University of California at Berkeley, 13 miles to the northeast.

San Francisco has countless language schools , this is because it is a multicultural city where many immigrants want to improve their English. In addition, it is the second city in the US that receives more tourists during the year. Movies, music and TV shows have made this destination one of the favorites of travelers.

The birthplace of Silicon Valley

For techies, San Francisco would be a great pilot city to explore nearby places like San Jose, which is a hotspot for tech as Silicon Valley is located there . San José is only 20 km away and there is also the Singularity University (SU), an institution formulated with ideas from Silicon Valley to function as a receiving center for innovative proposals. SU is a business incubator that welcomes brilliant ideas from students around the world.

Students to entertain themselves can visit numerous museums and art galleries present in the city. The people of San Francisco are warm and very talkative. To get to know the culture of San Francisco you can visit cafes and bars and interact with the locals. Jazz and blues are the most listened to musical rhythms in the city. Students in their leisure time will be able to find innumerable establishments where they can listen to this type of live music.


Auckland is a charming city with an Anglo-Saxon heritage, making it one of the best places to study English. In addition, in this city the surrounding landscape is a bit surreal, it has undulating shapes and irregular formations that are the product of the Auckland volcanic field. Knowing one of the largest geothermal areas in the world is a privilege .

English courses in Auckland are not in demand like those that could be taken in a European city. This situation provides a calmer and more dedicated environment when receiving English classes. In Auckland learning can be faster.

When students decide to study in the summer they do not take cars with them, for this reason, mobility is a highly valued feature when choosing a city to study abroad. Auckland gives students independence by providing multiple ways to get around , the most effective being its extensive network of pathways for cyclists and joggers. There are more than 150 km of safe roads so that people can get anywhere in the city without problems, either by bicycle or on foot.

Transportation in Auckland

This city also has a subway, bus and ferry system, all of which use a unified payment system. Students will be able to acquire the prepaid AT HOP CARD, a card with which they can obtain preferential rates and can pay for any of the three transportation options.

An attractive feature of Auckland for students is the free Wi-Fi, there are hundreds of free hotspots distributed throughout public places in the city such as parks and squares as well as free Wi-Fi in libraries, airports, shopping malls and restaurants around the city. fast food.

On leisure days, Auckland students can visit Takapuna Beach , a beach with little waves, although if they are lovers of surfing and extreme experiences, Piha Beach awaits them with its giant waves.

student in auckland


Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China, in addition, it is considered a world financial center and an important center of technological development. Therefore, the educational institutions found in this city have high quality standards.

Everything is part of a state policy where the big cities of China must provide the best training to their students, so that they can live up to the great commitments that the Asian giant requires. Foreign students can also benefit from all these policies, since by opting for a summer course they will be able to receive top quality training at an affordable price.

During the stay in the city, students can visit the district of Pudong , a place where skyscrapers and the most emblematic buildings of Shanghai are concentrated. In the same way, they can go to their adjacencies where old buildings of traditional architecture are combined with modern buildings of new construction.

study options

The construction of skyscrapers and large buildings in Shanghai is abundant and many Architecture and Engineering students decide to come to study in this city. In this way, they can obtain theoretical training in local institutions and practice in real estate developments in the city.

Despite the fact that the official language of Shanghai is not English, there are numerous academies in this city that provide native English teachers for better diction, writing and language learning. Students who study the English language in Shanghai obtain a first-class training that will allow them to take TOEFL, Cambridge or IELTS English exams at any university that requests it.

In Shanghai you can not only learn English, in this city there are numerous language academies that teach Mandarin Chinese . Learning this language, which is used by more than 1.1 billion people, can open doors in many companies.


This country is famous for training excellent professionals in the areas of Finance, Economics and Administration . Over the past 5 years, the National University of Singapore (NUS) has been in the top 30 of various university rankings. Similarly, the Nanyang Technological University has been located within the first 150 positions. This situation is a clear indicator that professionals who graduate from study centers in Singapore are highly valued in the labor market.

In Singapore , many foreign universities also have campuses , among them we can mention: SP Jain School of Global Management, ESSEC Business School and Queen Margaret University. During the summer, these universities have a wide range of English courses and specializations in financial matters.

Student Requirements

Due to the quality of Singapore’s universities, many professionals choose to pursue MBAs or other postgraduate study. In order for foreign students to study at these universities or at any other academic institution, it is necessary to apply for a student visa . The procedure is simple, much of the process is done online and it only takes a few minutes to enter all the requested data on the platform.

The price of these postgraduate studies in Singapore is a little lower than similar alternatives in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. Similarly, English courses are cheaper in this Asian city.

Singapore is one of the places with the most facilities to do business and therefore, the offer of financial courses is very high.